Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What I Want To Be

This video is me describing what I want to be when I grow up in different voices. 


This video features water in many different ways. It also represents the different sounds running water can make. 

Good Morning

This is a stop motion video representing me and my morning routine. The song played in the video is I'm Actual by the Format.

Music Is All I See

This photo is a self portrait. It represents me and my love of music. It's all I see, it's all I hear, and it's all I am.

Living Dead Girl

This is my friend Natalie. I made her face up with both stage makeup and acrylic paint to create the look of the dead.


This photo shows the things that make me sad in life. The scarf represents winter and the year book represents my feelings of missing my senior year in high school and not being able to turn back.